Initially phpdiscuss comes with 2 languages and which are English and French.
Install your language?
You have 2 options for installing the language.
1- Automatic option (recommended):
If you use either language, phpdiscuss automatically detects the language used by your visitor’s browser.
And as a result your forum will be displayed with the detected language.
2- Manual option:
You can change the language of phpdiscuss as follow
- Open the application/controller/ folder, You will find files in which you need to change the line (around 107, 108, 109)
everything depends on your text editor.
if($this->language_model->mylang() == browser_lang($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]))
if($this->language_model->mylang() ! == browser_lang($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]))
3- Access your dashboard: configuration => language and change your language.
If your language is different from english or french, at this point we ask anyone who can translate
phpdiscuss to his native language to contact us to add his language to phpdiscuss.
This page will be completed and updated as the phpdiscuss translation progresses.