Respect, civility, relevance. No spam

Keep discussions civil and constructive

Rules of

Article 1: Registration

Registration is open for every one and completely free. It allows active members to view all pages of the forum and make changes to their profiles, see graphics, participate in discussions and other benefits that can not all be cited in this article.

Article 2: Send a message

Remember to do a search before sending a message.
Be sure to send your message in the right forum and discussion.
Before sending a post, search for posts and topics already covered in the discussions using the page search while choosing optimized keywords.

Article 3: Drafting Advice

Choose a clear and precise title, describing your problem.
Try to detail as much as possible your problem in the body of the message.
Remember that a well-written message, with good spelling and syntax, will more easily get a satisfactory answer.

Article 4: Avatar and images

As far as avatars are concerned, any user can add one to their profile. It must be a maximum size of 100px over 100px. if a member has not defined an avatar for their profile, the site will assign them a default avatar.
concerning images, so that no one is disturbed by images that make half a page, they must be of a size Maximum of 400px wide over 200px high and not be too heavy to load (less than 100 KB).

Article 5: Freedom of expression and rights of third parties

This forum can be downloaded by everyone, can be installed on any server with php. It is open to the general public (open source). For more details, please see the license in the download package.
By participating in this forum, you agree to:
political topics are strictly prohibited. they will be deleted without any alerts.
pornography and sex are strictly prohibited.
Topics relating to blood, fraud, piracy, scams and copyright are strictly prohibited.
do everything possible to respect the rules of politeness and good behaviour towards others.
respect the topic of the discussion and do not stray from it. If you have another question, open a new discussion.
not to use insults or defamatory remarks against any person, whether public or not.
do not send messages, files, pornographic, discriminatory, coarse, radicalized or extremist images.
not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties. Any inducement to counterfeit, direct or indirect, will lead to your account being permanently closed.
not engage in advertising campaigns for direct or indirect commercial purposes.
do not aggravate discussions in order to provoke reactions contrary to these rules.
Follow the proper rules on the Internet.
Do not make fun of someone because they have difficulties in certain areas.
In case of problems with content posted on our forums, please alert the message in question by sending us a notification without further delay.

Section 6: Attachments (pending option)

On this forum, you can attach to your messages files (image, xml, zip, pdf and .doc etc.).
Please do not use this feature unless it is absolutely necessary. In case of abuse, we will see ourselves in the obligation to moderate each attached file.
If you want to insert a picture of a problem on your forum, please link it from an external server or as an attachment.
Important:: this option is not yet available

Article 7: Compliance with legality

We would like to encourage the fact that any work can not be proposed on this site without the authorization of its author. Therefore, before proposing a file, please ensure that the author is aware of it and has given you his or her consent. the authorization must be a written authorization.
We would like to encourage the fact that any work can not be proposed on this site without the authorization of its author. Therefore, before proposing a file, please ensure that the author is aware of it and has given you his or her consent. the authorization must be a written authorization.

Article 8:Personal data

We collect the personal data you give us voluntarily, we use it strictly for statistical purposes on the forum without any overrun.
In accordance with the applicable IT law, you have the right to access, correct or delete information about you that can be exercised online by clicking on the U-Panel menu.

Article 9: Intellectual Property

The content of the site, including texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs and formatting are the exclusive property of upbb or our partners.
Any reproduction, copy or use by any means without our agreement or that of our partners will constitute an infringement liable to lead to legal proceedings.

Article 10:Information

The site hosts hypertext (advertising) links to other third-party websites over which we have no control.
We are in no way responsible for the content, information, products and services offered on these sites.
We cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages by following the advertising links posted on our site.

Article 11: Cookies

The upbb site places a cookie (a file) in your computer. In general, it records information about your account on our site.
The cookie allows us to identify you automatically without having to re-enter your identification data during each connection.
We inform you that you can object to the storage of cookies by configuring your browser.

Article 12: Deletion of account and claim

Account deletion may occur for the following reasons:
Creating an account to circumvent an exclusion order.
account with incorrect email address.
username contrary to the morals.
inactive count for a long time.
bad behavior on forums.
non-compliance with site rules.
the member can contact us by email or internal messaging. all correspondence we receive will be read and examined with the greatest possible attention.
The closure of an account may be challenged by the moderators or the site administrator who will review the facts that led to the exclusion. Ultimately, the member will be contacted and officially informed.

Article 13: Make donation to

Donations are not mandatory in any way. Are free to anyone over 18 years of age. they do not engage the site in any promise or exchange of service.

Article 14: Manipulation of URLs on

Manipulation of URLs on is strictly prohibited. We insist on our members to avoid this practice even if the member is sure of the request he will submit, because sometimes and inadvertently the member may be mistaken and end up on a page that is not entitled to access it. It will cost him a free penalty.

Article 15: Modification of the Conditions of Use

The upbb site reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of your connection to the site.
This policy can be updated at any time without notice. Please review it regularly to see if updates have taken place.
This document has been updated on: Monday 24/12/ 2020.