Topic created by :: admin on Mar-14-2022 AT 21:09:12
You can express yourself freely, as long as you follow the rules of the forum to help create a rich knowledge base that can help others solve their problem.
Befor posting on the forum, please follow these steeps.
1- If you are not registered on the forum, register before any action.
2- Off-topic questions may not have answers.
3- Avoid private matters.
4- Show respect and understanding.
5- Advertisements are forbidden. on this subject, modo also have a say.
6- Remain courteous.
7- Do not use spam.
8- No defamation.
9- Add a signature to your profile. Your signature is automatically inserted at the end of your post.
10- Do not display images that you are not entitled to.
11- Consult the articles in the FAQ. They are at your disposal.