Download free bulletin board software. upbb is open source and totally responsive.

Upbb adapts to all devices. Horizontal scrolls are no longer a preoccupation.


All annoncements
comment Who is using open-bbs?
Wow...! this whole site is beautiful! And your work looks great
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comment Before using open-bbs
We have set up a forum to allow those who have questions to ask them on the forum.
Total Topic.(2) Total Post. (1) 18 Mar 2022 AT 13h41
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comment Extra-topic
You do not find the appropriate forum for your question.
So it is in this forum that you must make your remark.
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All forums
Open-bbs online Manual
comment Welcome to online documentatio
Need a quick answer? Check out fabb's online documentation for the answers to the most common questions.
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Open-bbs General Discussion
comment Other Forum Advice and Buildin
This board is meant to assist you in establishing and growing your community.
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comment Open-bbs integration
Chat about software that integrates with open-bbs, or that you'd like integrated.
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comment Open-bbs Coding Discussion
Do you need assistance writing a change or theme? If you've discovered a bug, please report it to Bug Reports.
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comment Open-bbs Language pack
Post your query in this area if you require assistance in a language other than English.
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comment Configuration and Performance
Look here to discover what you can do to improve the performance of your forum, or to configure your server to take full advantage of upbb's features.
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General Security Management and Support
comment Bug Reports
Do you believe you've discovered a problem in Fabb? If this is the case, please report them here.
Total Topic.(1) Total Post.(1) 03 Apr 2022 : 13h57
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comment Forum for any security issue
Welcome to the forum for security management and assistance. Its purpose is to assist users in managing the security of their Fabb installation.
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Forum test
comment make your test in this forum
Welcome to your forum test, you can add some test in this forum to see how fabb works.
Total Topic.(3) Total Post.(1) 18 Sep 2022 : 00h38
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