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General rules of the forum

General rules

Registration on is easy, free, fast and open for everyone, it will take only a few seconds of your time. Within less than a minute your account is created and you can access your dashboard. Before you register, please take a few minutes to read the few general rules below.

It's impossible for us to review every message posted on our bulletin board system, but we make every effort to edit or remove any messages that contain inappropriate, sexually explicit, abusive, hateful, slanderous, any action that violate any kind of law or good behavior.
Because of this, you understand that all statements posted on this discussion board reflect the thoughts and opinions of the individual who originally wrote them, not necessarily those of Itself.
As a result, we disclaim all liability and are not responsible for any messages submitted. We cannot guarantee the truthfulness or thoroughness of every message.
By signing up for this discussion system, you agree not to publish any content that is intentionally untrue, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually explicit, threatening, invading of a person's privacy, or that may otherwise violate any laws that may be in force.
Your account may be terminated, suspended, or permanently banned from access to these forums if you violate these rules.
Each post you make on this discussion system includes a record of your IP Address, which the forum administration can access if necessary. You acknowledge that, should the need arise, we reserve the right to at any moment delete, alter, or lock any account or communication.
You also consent to "cookies" being placed on your computer to save your login information and to the database-based storage of any data you enter on this discussion system.
The staff will never share your information with a third party without your explicit permission, but they cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that results in the compromise of your data.

This forum is developed in php and runs under the CodeIgniter framework. It is free to download. You can download it from the official website by clicking on the following link:: download forum php free

You agree to the above general rules and any additional recommendations that the Administrator may add, delete or update during or after your registration on