What is a forum?
A forum is a public discussion, meeting place or program where people can exchange ideas and discuss issues. It can also refer to an online platform for exchanging messages and discussing particular subjects with other people at the same time.
benefit to create a forum.
Creating a forum on your website can provide numerous benefits, such as streamlining customer service operations, encouraging user retention online which drives sales, providing an interactive space for members to share constructive criticism and praise, strengthening connections with a wide group of people from all walks of life and helping businesses identify problems faster. Additionally, forums are great for SEO purposes as they allow users to search for specific topics or keywords related to the topic being discussed in the forum.
And What is about phpd?
And What is about phpd?
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Does phpd have features that interest me?
- phpd is a free php forum, Licensed under the GPLv3 Read licence
- phpd was written in the PHP programming language. For more robustness, security and simplicity, phpd uses codeigniter as a development framework.
- phpd runs under PHP version 7.x
- phpd uses MySQL version 5.7.41
- Comes with fully automatic installation.
- The latest version of phpd is 3.0.2 (version beta)
- If you encounter any security issues, do not hesitate to contact us. You are welcome at any time.
- Password Hashing: To ensure their security, all passwords in phpd are completely hashed before being stored in the database.
- phpd uses a Query Builder class. This pattern allows information to be handled with minimal scripting, more secure and safer queries.
- All external messages sent by the admin to the members of its forum are well written in html5 format. This will avoid your messages being treated as spam.
- phpd provides the option to limit the number of posts that can be made by a member or PMs that can be sent in a given time period (ant-flood).
- admin and moderators can permanently ban, déban, delete, purge or temporarily suspend a user's account for a given time period.
- Admin and moderators are able to issue warnings to users.
- Master admin and only master admin may consult the private messages of the members in case of abuse or quarrel between members.
- the administrator may determine the time between two successive votes.
- Before they are available on the board, topics and posts in phpd can be configured to need admin and moderator approval.
- phpd uses MySQL version 5.7.X. Not tested on other DBMS
- At the moment, we are working to make phpd work on PostgreSql.
- For any reason, if you want to make a backup of your database, your can do it with one click in the admin dashboard.
- To avoid a collision between table names in your database, the admi can modify the table prefix with a click.
- The signature is a small text that is usually inserted automatically after a topic is published. Each member can add and customize their signature on phpd.
- The avatar is a personal image displayed above the member’s username in all their posts. If a member does not upload an avatar, it will be assigned a default avatar.
- Banned, deleted and pending members are considered as visitors.
- For some reason, members cannot register on phpd with the same email address even if it is deleted from the database.
- In front of the member’s username, phpd adds an icon indicating whether the member is offline or online.
- Each member can make any changes he wishes to his profile.
- Each member can add an unlimited number of friends to their friends list as long as the friendship is mutually approved.
- Members cannot send external messages to other members.
- The forum can be turned offline, only the master administrator can unlock it.
- Board administrators can customize a number of variables in phpd that affect the server load.
- Is there an inactive member for a while or stopped posting? Admin is skilful to delete, warning or notify inactive members after a predetermined amount of time.
- Admin is able to modify a username of a member, to change the avatar of a member and to add a new member manually.
- Admin may Control all user's public data and profile.
- The built-in contact page allows anyone, to communicate with the board administrator.
- All member have the option to post and send report to the admin for any reason.
- The membership page displays all data about administrators, moderators, members, pending member and deleted member on the forum. Is very colorful and sorted by level.
- The administrator can initiate a new ban, see the list of banned users, or unban users.
- Other options are available in the admin dashboard. Download phpd (it’s free) and install it to see all the options available on the form.
- CSS3, HTML5 and responsive design
phpd makes use of HTML5 and CSS3 to provide a contemporary and responsive appearance. This guarantees high performance and cross-browser compatibility on desktop and mobile devices for all current browsers. - Support for UTF-8
phpd utilizes UTF-8 as its default character encoding and is completely compatible with it. This guarantees total compatibility with almost all languages in the world. - Support for PHP7 Support for the most recent PHP 7.4 has been included with phpd. This will significantly speed up phpd and bring it up to date.
- Javascript codes and scripts are not loaded unless the Html page requires such a script
This means your HTML page stays clean and will load faster (depends on your hardware configuration).
- Admin can close or open registration on the forum
- phpd allows to new user to choose an username between 3-16 characters.
- An update is planned to allow the administrator to impose the character number.
- The administrator can reserve usernames so that they cannot be used by new users.
- phpd allows to new user to choose a password between 6-16 characters. So, new users can choose a complexe password
- Admin can choose between No-code, Captcha or Google Re-captcha as a security procedure on the registration form.
- Admin can add members to the forum mannualy. The added member is not asked to confirm their email.
- phpd don't allow duplicate e-mail.
- phpd don't allow duplicate username.
- phpd don't allow user to register widh temp email (+80% success cases).
- phpd don't allow fake dns or email adresse like kkkkkk.com & co.
- New members cannot be inserted into the database if they have not confirmed their email address.
- New members are limited to 10 minutes to confirm their email address. If they exceed 10 minutes, they are automatically redirected back to the registration page.
- Try to register with a temp mail or a fake email and you will see the result by yourself.
- BBcode is not official markup language, is a simpliefied language in use to formate a text. phpd let the admin to choose betwwen to allow or not the use of bbcode.
- At this time only admin can send a feedback to phpd team with attachments.
- Allowing members to send attachments is a close update.
- Admin and modo can send quick responses to members directly on the post in question.
- Add humor to your posts, it helps to demonstrate emotion in your topics or posts with smilies! Admin can allow/disalow this option in the dashboard.
- A very complete voting system is set up by phpd. admin can set the time interval between two successive votes.
- The word filter Keeps your forum familiar and accessible to everyone. phpd implements a word filter system to automatically remove or replace vulgar words with symbols, words or phrases of your choice.
- When writing a new topic or response, members have the ability to preview how their post will appear before submitting it and the number of characters used.
- phpd has implemented an option that prevents members from reloading their browsers. This option protects your database from being harmed by someone with bad intentions.
- Categories are container of forums. A category can contain multiple forums.
- Forums are containers of topics. A forum can contain several topics.
- Topics are containers of posts. A topic can contain several posts (replies).
- the admin can determine in dashboard the levels of the members to access a given forum.
- Customize and globally display the forum rules at the top of the forum index page.
- phpd will list who did the last post on a particular topic and when it was done on the index page and forum page.
- members are notified by email when a response is added to their topic.
- Before posting a topic, the member can search if a similar topic is already asked.
- Members can research either a member, a topic or an answer. this option to design research on phpd will greatly reduce search time.
- Moderators assist users and uphold the rules to keep everything in order.
- Any forum on the board can be moderated at any time by a Global Moderator.
- Any post that needs approval or posts that member have complained can be quickly accessed by moderators, who can handle it effectively.
- All actions on topics and posts, such as approving, locking, or moving topics to another forum, are accessible to moderators.
- The content of a user's post may be edited by moderators.
- Individual postings may be locked by moderators so that the original author is no longer able to change them.
- Any forum with all topics and posts can be moved by moderators to another forum. Multiple forums cannot be selected and moved at once at this time.
- A topic and all of its responses may be permanently removed from the board by a moderator.
- It is possible to hide posts and topics from the public view without actually deleting them.
- Any access to the forum pages in a questionable way, the IP address is automatically blocked.
- If an IP address is intentionally blocked, the administrator can make it active.
- the administrator has a detailed table for blocked robots and IP addresses.
- the administrator has a detailed table of category data, forums, topics and posts.
- The administrator can activate all topics and posts recently published on the forum directly from the dashboard
- the administrator has a detailed table of visitors and their origin
- The administrator can consult with one click of mouse all the data related to an Ip address.
Is phpd a free forum and open source?
- Yes, and with the main options.
- Fast and light.
- Simple to use.
- Protection of members' email addresses.
- Coded with the Framework codeigniter.
- Easy to customize with detailed explanations.
- Connection to social networks.
- Flood, Xss and csrf security.
- Easily integrated into your website.
- instant notification system.
- Statistics in the administrator’s dashboard.
- Forum language in English/French.
- Integrates a monetization system.
- Actions are being translated for other languages.
- And many other options that we cannot list here.